To some people, the question on how to check glo balance is a child play and should not be a topic to be discussed probably because they’ve the knowledge.
But this article is not about them but about those who do not know how to check Glo balance. Recently, I’ve had about 5 course mate of mine asking on how they can check the balance on their Glo line.
Their major reasons was that, they’ve not been part of Glo subscribers but the limited services in their respective communication network in the new location forced them to join glo network.
This reason also could be applicable to as many as possible, and to others they do not know because Glo is not their main communication network.
Having said that, let proceed to the main reason for the article. But before then, it’s important to know how to load Glo recharge card.
There are many ways to which you can recharge your glo line but the simplest of them all is the one below.
How To Load glo card.
To load glo card is very simple . Just Dial the glo recharging code I.e *123*recharge card pin#
Example *123*xxxxxxxxxxxxxx# That is all.
How To Check Glo Balance
Checking Glo balance is very simply and easy especially to those who have the knowledge but difficult to those who do not.
Basically, there are three major ways you can check Glo balance, so read on and work with the one that suit you.
FIRST: You can check your glo balance through a voice call. This is done by dialing 124 from your glo sim and follow the voice prompt. The computer will guide you and call out your balance for you. It’s that simple.
SECOND: Another way to check your Glo balance is by dialing #124# and press 1 in the next dialog box and your balance will be shown to you.
THIRD: The last which is the third method in checking you Glo balance is very simple and time conscious. I personally considered it the best among them.
It’s more straight forward than the other two above.
All you have to do is Dial #124*1# And your Glo balance will automatically shown to you.
That is that about how to check Glo balance.
How To Buy Data On Glo Network.
Data bundle are the life wire of internet users. Without data, you probably will not be on this page reading this article. Glo as the grandmaster of data has many data plans you can comfortably chose from. You’ll learn as you read on.
List Of Glo Data Plans: Prices & Subscription Codes
- Mini Plans
- Monthly Plans
- Mega Plans
- Super Mega Plans
1. Mini Plan. Mini Plans consist of daily and weekly plans. Bellow are the list of Data bundle under Mini plan.
i. N50 = 50mb including 5mb to be used in the nigh. The validity period is 1 day. To subscribe Dial *127*14#.
ii. N100 = 150mb including 35mb night plan. The validity period is 1 day. To subscribe Dial *127*51#
iii. N200 = 350mb including 110mb for the night. The validly period is 2 days. To subscribe dial. *127*56#
iv. N500 = 1.31Gb including 550mb night bonus. To subscribe Dial. *127*57#
2. Monthly Plans: Monthly plans as the name implies consist of all data bundles that can stay active for a whole month before expiring.
i. N1000 = 2.9Gb including 1Gb that you can use in the night between 12am to 5am. The validity period for this plan is 30 days. To subscribe. Dial *127*53#
ii. N1500 = 4.1 GB. Including 600mb for the night. You can Dial *777# To subscribe.
iii. N2000 = 5.8Gb including 600mb night bonus. The validity period is 30 days. Dial *127*55# to subscribe.
iv. N2500 = 7.7 Gb last for 30 days including 900mb bonus. To subscribe Dial *127*58#
3. Mega Plans: Mega plans also consist of Data plans that are valid for 30 days but are more expensive and nigh in value than the monthly plans.
i. N10,000 = 50Gb including 4gb bonus. The validity of this plan is 30 days. To subscribe. Dial *127*11#
ii. N15,000 = 93Gb including 7gb night bonus. This plan also will last for 30 days. To subscribe. Dial *127*12#
iii. N18,000 = 119Gb including 10Gb night bonus. The plan will stay active for 30days. To subscribe. Dial *127*13#
iv. N20.000 = 138Gb including 12Gb Bonus. The validity is 30 days. To subscribe, dial *127*33#.
4. Super Mega Plans. Super mega plans consist of day plan that last for 30 days, 90 days, 120 days, and 1 years respectively.
i. N30,000 = 225Gb. The validity period is 30 days.
ii. N36,000 = 300Gb. Valid for 30 days.
iii. N50,000 = 425Gb. This plan is valid for 90 days.
iv. N60,000 = 525Gb. The validity period is 120 days.
v. 75,000 = 675Gb. This plan also last for 120 days.
vi. N100,000 = 1 Terabyte. The validity period for this plan is 1 year.
PLS NOTE. That the validity of a particular plan is 30 days does not mean you can’t exhaust it before the 30 days. In fact, the data that is valid for 1 year can finish in less than a week depending on how you use it. So be informed.
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